Anything that has to do with syncing information between the two programs in question will be found here.
The filters page located in the Mappings dropdown is specifically only for events. Events are triggered either through the Connected Systems icon within OnePlan, or by inputting a plan id when running a strategy.
When filtering on a field, that field MUST be mapped in the Field Mappings section.
This section will show the tables that are mapped between the two programs. This is done in the backend and cannot be modified.
Field Mapping is where you specify which values in one program go to the other program, and if that data only flows in one direction, or bi-directionally between the two programs. Field mappings are usually broken down between their respective tables (this can be resources, plan level items, backlog level items, etc.).
Each section can have their own fields to be mapped. It is currently not possible to map one value to multiple locations on the same table.
Each column represents a single program within the integration. The dropdown options will give the program field name that is desired to map to the other program field name. For the values to transfer correctly, the values need to match the other programs options. To control the direction/flow of data, click on the arrows in between the fields until the desired direction has appeared.
To see which plans from program one are connected to program two, this is where you can see the connection. Depending on the integration, there is the ability to connect items manually between the two programs, or to delete a mapping from no longer being synchronized. This can be at both the Plan level and the Backlog level.
The number in each column represents the Plan Id (or equivalent) for that column's program.
Most programs have different names for similar values (Not Started vs. New for example). To ensure that the value will come over from both programs without errors, value mapping is a go to spot to change New in program one to Not Started in program two (and vice versa) so when syncing the values back and forth, there will be no issues.
Values that are being edited/modified need to be mapped in the Field Mappings section.
For the value mapping, there will be two columns (each column represents a program in the integration), and within each column there are their own set of sections (these sections imitate the Field Mappings setup).
Take note of which field you wish to modify and navigate to the appropriate section and click on the blue plus button to create a new value mapping. A new window will appear.
The Field dropdown will reflect the column/program options.
The Source Value text field will be manually entered. Please note that these values will be case sensitive.
The Destination Value text field will be what the second program receives as the new value. This value is also case sensitive and must be a valid option for the second program.
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