• Updated

This article explains how to use Sofia, the OnePlan AI personal assistant. 

Sofia GPT is designed to be easy to use. It integrates seamlessly with OnePlan's existing software solutions, making it simple for teams to get started.

Access Sofia GPT

From the OnePlan web browser, simply click on the Sofia GPT icon on the bottom right of the screen. This will open the chat window where you can interact with Sofia GPT. 

Access Sofia.gif

Chat with Sofia GPT

Using Sofia GPT is easy.

Sofia GPT is able to answer your questions, create content (such as a summary of data, etc.), and analyze data in the current view.

Depending on where you are in the system, Sofia has two options for the data source it will use in the interaction. 

  • You can select Analyze Data On This Page to direct Sofia's attention to the information on the current page. 
  • You can select OnePlan Questions and Help to direct Sofia's attention to the OnePlan knowledge base and corporate site, to answer any OnePlan-related question that you may have. 

Select Sofia Data Source.gif

Once you select the data source, interacting with Sofia is easy. Simply type in your question or a prompt, and let Sofia GPT work its magic!

For example, if you were in the My Portfolio view, you could select Analyze Data On This Page, then ask Sofia GPT "Which plans should I start on next?" Then Sofia GPT will analyze the plan data that is available in the My Portfolio view, and produce a response for you.  

Ask Spfia a Question.gif

If you are unsure what you want to ask Sofia GPT, some example questions will be available when you open the chat window to get you started. Just click on an example question, and Sofia GPT will generate a response. 

Ask Sofia Pre-Made Question.gif

To reset your conversation with Sofia GPT, click the Reset conversation context button Reset_Conversation.png. This will clear out all previous chat data and allow you to restart a fresh conversation with Sofia GPT. 

To expand the chat window, click the Expand button Expand_Chat_Window.png. This will expand the chat window. You can then click the Collapse button Collapse_Chat_Window.png to return the chat window to its original size. 

Expand collapse sofia window.gif

Click the Close button Close_Chat_Window.png to close the chat window. 

If you would like to hide Sofia, click the Hide button on the Sofia GPT icon. This will hide Sofia GPT for your current session. 


Create Plans with Sofia GPT

Not only can Sofia help answer your questions while using OnePlan, it can also help you create new plans! Upload an existing plan charter document, enter a prompt, or speak to Sofia and the AI will generate a new plan for you with plan details already filled out! 

See Create a New Plan for more information.

Add a New Project with AI.png

Sofia GPT can also generate work plan schedules for you based on the plan details or a prompt. 

See Insert a Work Plan Template, Generate a Template with AI for more information. 

Create work plan with AI.png

Populate Fields with Sofia GPT

Sofia can help you fill out multi-text fields in plan details or status reports. You can type or speak to Sofia to receive assistance.

See Edit the Plan Details Form and Create, Update, and Submit Status Reports for more information.

Populate field with Sofia.png


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