Project for the Web integration settings

  • Updated

This article describes the integration settings for the OnePlan and Project for the Web integration.

See Project for the Web integration overview for an overview of the integration and its uses. See Set up the Project for the Web integration for instructions to set up the integration.

Go to On the home screen lists all of your active integrations. Go to the desired integration. Click EditScreenshot_2021-12-28_101619.png to edit the integration settings. Click View Scheduled JobsScreenshot_2021-12-28_101602.png to view and edit scheduled jobs. Click DeleteScreenshot_2021-12-28_101630.png to delete the integration.


Edit the integration settings

Integration Properties

Update the integration configuration properties that were set in Set up the Project for the Web integration.



Update mappings for the integration in the Mappings tab. In the Project for the Web integration, there are five mapping types:

  • Filters


    These Filters only relate to Events, not Schedules.

    • To add a filter rule:

      1. Select the desired mapping.

      2. Click Add Rule.

      3. Enter or create a filter expression.

      4. Repeat steps 2-3 to add multiple filters to a mapping.

      5. Click Save.

  • Tables


    The Tables mappings are not editable.

  • Fields

    • To edit a mapping:

      1. Select the desired field type mapping. The field mappings will open.

      2. Click the direction arrow to change the direction of the mapping.

      3. Click Delete to remove a mapping.

    • To add a mapping:

      1. Select the desired fields from both sides of the integration (e.g. both a OnePlan Plan field and a Project for the Web Project field).

      2. Click Add Field Mapping. The new mapping will appear at the bottom of the mappings list.

  • Items

    • To add item mappings:

      1. Select the desired field type mapping. The item mappings will open.

      2. Click Add. The Add form will open.

      3. Select a an item from both the Source and Destination drop downs.

      4. Click Save.

    • To delete item mappings:

      1. Select the desired field type mapping. The item mappings will open.

      2. Select an item mapping.

      3. Click Delete.

  • Values

    • To add value mappings:

      1. Click on the desired field type. The value mappings will open.

      2. Click Add Value Mapping. The Add form will open.

      3. Complete the Add form:

        • Field: Select a field from the drop down menu.

        • Source Value(s): Enter the source values, separated by a comma.

        • Destination Value: Enter the destination value.

        • Click Add Value Set to add additional source and destination value fields.

      4. Click Save.

Default field mappings

Plans (OnePlan) <--> Projects (Project for the Web)

Table 1. Plans <--> Projects default field mappings

OnePlan field

Project for the Web field








Tasks (OnePlan) <--> Tasks (Project for the Web)

Table 2. Tasks <--> Tasks default field mappings

OnePlan field

Project for the Web field



Project Task Name





Assigned To

Assigned To



To manually execute a scheduled job, click Execute.

To delete a scheduled job, click Delete.

Add a new scheduled job

  1. Click Add Schedule. The Add schedule form will open.

  2. Complete the Add schedule form.

    • Strategy:

    • Enabled: When the Enabled switch is to the right (on), the job will run on the set schedule.

    • Schedule Type: Select the type of schedule. Options include Daily, Monthly, and Hourly.

    • Day(s) of Week: Select the day(s) of the week for the job to run.

    • Time(s) of Day: Select the time(s) of day for the job to run.

    • TimeZone: Select the timezone for the schedule to be based on.

    • Delta Type: Options include Incremental or Full.

    • Delta Range: Options include Last Run, Day, Week, Month, Custom, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months.

    • Automatic Retry: Currently only available for schedules that are set to run Daily or Monthly with only one Time(s) of Day specified. This setting is ignored if the strategy uses the Schedule operation. E.g. queues up multiple items to sync. If a schedule fails 5 consecutive times during a 24 hour period, this setting is reset to false. As there may be a problem that requires investigation to resolve. Once the issue has been resolved, this setting can be manually set back to true.

  3. Click Save.


Edit a scheduled job

  1. Click Edit Schedule next to the desired job. The schedule settings form will open.

  2. Update the schedule settings form. See the Add schedule form for settings details.

  3. Click Save.

Configure job filters

  1. Click Configure Filter next to the desired job. The filter settings form will open.

  2. Edit the filter settings as desired.

  3. Click Save.

Default scheduled jobs

The following scheduled jobs are installed by default:

  • SynchLookups

    Synchronize any mapped lookup/options set fields’ choices from Dynamics into OnePlan.

  • OnePlanUpdate

    Synchronize projects and tasks from Project for the Web to OnePlan.

  • OnePlanPublish

    Synchronize OnePlan plans into Project for the Web as projects


View the activity logs for the integration.

  • Statistics: A log of integration data collected over the past five days.

  • Events: A log of all transactions not tied to a schedule. E.g. transactions that were triggered via action button.

  • Schedules: A log of all transactions tied to a schedule.



Move, install, or uninstall the current integration into or between OnePlan groups.

  • Migrate: Migrate the integration into another OnePlan group.

  • Reinstall: Reinstall the integration into your current OnePlan group.

  • Uninstall: Uninstall the integration from your current OnePlan group.


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