This article explains how to save a baseline for selected tasks in your work plan schedule.
Video Length - 1:59
A situation where you may want to baseline selected tasks is if, for example, a new project scope was identified by your team that needed to be added to the project schedule, thus adding a couple new tasks. These tasks have been added and networked into the schedule with resources associated with it notice that because there is no baseline for these tasks. There are no baseline start dates or due dates or baseline effort. Rather than baselighting the entire schedule again, there is an opportunity to baseline selected tasks.
To baseline selected tasks:
Select the desired tasks from the work plan list. You can select multiple tasks by holding down the CTRL key and clicking.
Click the ellipsis in the Work Plan toolbar, then select Save Baseline. The Save Baseline form will open.
Complete the Save Baseline form.
Baseline Method: Select Selected Tasks.
Baseline: Select Baseline (0).
Saving the selected tasks to Baseline (0) will add these tasks to the original baseline.
Baseline (0) is where one plan captures and stores data used for reporting purposes. So it's really important that when you save your Baseline, save Baseline (0).
OnePlan allows you to save up to 11 baselines.
The other baselines are important because they are then used for historical purposes to compare the project performance against the current Baseline.
Click Save. Then click Yes in the popup to save the baseline. The selected tasks have been added to the original Baseline (0).
We also recommend saving an additional baseline (Baseline (2) in this example). Baseline (2) now becomes something that you can save for historical purposes. Additional baselines give you that history that you'll be able to save, should you encounter situation where you need to rebaseline and then at that point you would use Baseline (0) to be the Baseline for taking another snapshot of your schedule.