Anything that has to do with syncing information between the two programs in question will be found here.
The Filters page, located under the Mappings dropdown, is exclusively for events and pre-filter functionality. Events are triggered via the Connected Systems icon in OnePlan or by entering a plan ID when running a strategy.
When filtering on a field, it must be mapped in the Field Mappings section. Filters are organized by the data flow direction:
- For data moving from OnePlan to Azure DevOps, the OnePlan -> Azure DevOps section should be used. The event filters will occur on OnePlanPublish.
- Filters in the opposite direction will not apply unless the strategy being used specifically supports that data flow direction.
This section will show the tables that are mapped between the two programs. This is done automatically in the backend and cannot be modified.
Field Mapping specifies what information is to be transferred between two programs and whether the data flows one-way or bi-directionally. Mappings are organized by respective tables, such as Resources, Plan-level items, or backlog items.
Key Points:
- Each section can have its own field mapping.
- A single field cannot be mapped to multiple fields within the same table.
- Each column represents a program, with the dropdowns showing the available field names that can be mapped between programs.
- For data to transfer correctly, data types should match as well as the options within both programs.
- User the arrows between fields to set the desired data flow direction.
- Local plan fields in OnePlan cannot be mapped to another system. Those fields only exist in specific plans, using them across the entire group (all plans) is not possible.
- In some integrations, fields set to flow only to OnePlan can have their editability controlled within the Work Plan. Please review your integration to know if this functionality is enabled.
To view which plans are already connected between the two programs, this section displays the connections. Depending on the integration, you can manually connect items between the programs to delete a mapping to break the connection.
The number in each column represents the Plan ID (or equivalent) for that program. Most integrations will have the plan item mappings show a user friendly value based on the plan level name.
Different programs often use different names/values for similar fields (e.g. "Not Started" vs "New"). To ensure smooth data transfer , Value Mapping is used to align these values, think of this as data transformation. It is best practice to make sure value mapping is set up both ways to prevent unexpected errors.
Values being edited or modified must first be mapped in the Field Mappings section.
Implementing Value Mappings
- Each column represents a program in the integration. The column is assumed to represent the Source Connection, so data originates from this program, and will be transformed to another value to be entered in the Destination Connection.
- Expand the table where you wish to set up the data transformation, and click on the blue + button.
- Select the field where the data transformation needs to occur (this is most often a choice field).
- Source Value(s) are the value(s) that need to change (e.g. "Not Started"). These values are case-sensitive.
- Destination Value is the value the second program will receive; it must be a valid option (case-sensitive). Only a single value can be entered.