To complete the OnePlan setup, you need to be an admin (user with Owner permissions) in OnePlan.
- Log into your OnePlan group using your OnePlan login credentials.
- Access the Admin pages by clicking on the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the browser.
- Navigate to the Integration section in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Next to the Authentication Keys section click the + Add Key button.
- Provide a descriptive name or title for the Authentication Key to denote its purpose, then click ADD.
- Store the OnePlan group name and the Authentication Key securely. This grants access to your OnePlan group for any program. Please note that the key will no longer be visible after the page is refreshed.
Note: It's recommended to generate a new authentication key for every integration and assign a descriptive name to each key, enabling clear association with its corresponding integration. This practice enhances security, simplifies management, and facilitates easier tracking and troubleshooting.
Financial Plan Setup & How to Locate Fields for CSV Import
Enable Custom Cost Categories
In the OnePlan Configuration page, navigate to Financial Plan, and expand Advanced.
Check the box labelled Allow Plan Level Cost Categories.
Setting Up Plan External Id
Create Custom Plan Field
- Navigate to the Admin pages by clicking on the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the browser.
- In the Fields section, while beneath the Plan Fields section click on + New Field.
- Provide a name for the field (e.g., Plan External ID), set the field type to text, and click Save.
Add Custom Field to Plan Details
- While in the Admin pages, navigate to Plan Details section.
- Choose the desired Plan Type from the dropdown.
- In the far-right column labelled Fields, locate the custom field created and drag the field into the relevant section within the Plan Details form.
- Remember to Save the changes made, the button is located next to the Plan Type dropdown.
Select Custom Field for Financial Import
- While in the Admin pages, navigate to Financial Plan section.
- Navigate to the Import section.
- Click on the External Id Field dropdown and select the custom field that was created.
Custom Fields
For the integration to write to a custom field in the financial planner, the custom field must first exist in OnePlan. To create custom fields for the financial planner:
- Navigate to the OnePlan Admin page, select the Financial Plan section.
- Expand the Fields section.
- Click on Custom Fields +.
- Provide a Name and Field Type.
- Click ADD.
Custom fields in the OnePlan financial planner will not show up in the integration field mapping section. The CSV file must have the column name match the financial planner custom field name exactly.
Locating Cost Type Name
- While inside the OnePlan Admin page, select the Financial Plan section.
- Navigate to the Cost Types section.
In OnePlan, default Cost Type names include Budget, Forecast, Actuals, Benefits, & Program Budget. It’s important to note that administrators have the flexibility to add, edit, or delete these cost types based on their company preferences.
Parent Cost External Id
This field will provide guidance to determine the placement or insertion of a cost category within your financial planner if it does not currently exist. When adding a new cost category, it should be linked as a child to an existing parent cost category. If no parent cost category is specified, the system will create the cost category at the root level.
Assigning an External Id to Cost Categories
- Navigate to the Admin page.
- Access Financial Plan section.
- Select Cost Categories.
- Click on the edit (paper and pencil) icon.
- Enter a unique External Id for each of the Cost Category options.
Please note that cost categories do not automatically create External Ids, and therefore must be manually assigned. Possible External Ids can be letters, numbers, or a mix of the two.
Cost Type Id
To get the Cost Type Id of the associated Cost External Id, while in OnePlan, in the address bar, at the end of the OnePlan URL, type in /api/portfolio/costtypes.
This will allow you to see a JSON response of the cost type id of the plan in question. The Id of the Cost Type is related to the Cost Type Name.
Cost Name
The cost name is the cost category name that will be created from the CSV if it does not exist already in OnePlan.
Expected Cost Date Format
The cost date values should be in the format of 2022-05-22T00:00:01 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).
Cost Value
The expected cost value can be a positive or negative number, and can take up to two decimal places.
OneConnect Setup Process
To complete the OneConnect setup, you need have Administrator or Editor privileges in the OneConnect group you wish to set the integration up in.
- Go to (or for European customers utilizing
- Navigate to Tabular Data Cost and OnePlan Financial Planner Cost External Import with Custom Fields. Click Configure.
Tabular Data Connector
SharePoint or OneDrive URL
- Enter the SharePoint/OneDrive URL where the file is located (e.g., https://{OrganizationName}{SiteName}).
Folder Path
- Enter the folder path where the file is located.
- Enter the SharePoint/OneDrive username to be used to access environment.
- Note: The username must not have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) associated with it. Because of this, we encourage a service account to be used to access the SharePoint site.
- Note: It is standard best practice to have a single service account associated with a single integration. If a service account is associated to multiple integrations, throttling can occur from Microsoft, which can lead to strategy failures.
- Enter the password.
(Optional - Checkbox) SharePoint Modern Authentication
- For further information on using SharePoint Modern Authentication. If this box is checked, please enter the Client Id and Client Secret in the Additional Options section.
Additional Options
- Expand the section for additional configuration options.
(Optional) Client Id
- Enter the Client Id generated from the SharePoint site.
(Optional) Client Secret
- Enter the Client Secret generated from the SharePoint site.
Financial Cost Import File Name
- Enter the file name to be used for the Financial Planner (i.e., FinancialImport.csv).
(Optional) If you are using an Entra service principle to connect to SharePoint
- Click here to learn more about connecting SharePoint via Entra service principals.
- Expand the section called Advanced Options
- Check the "Use a Service Principal to connect to SharePoint Online" checkbox.
- Click the Authorize button. (you must be a tenant administrator to do that)
Test Connection
- Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to SharePoint/OneDrive.
- A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing.
Save Changes
- After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.
OnePlan Connector
Group Name
- Input the name of the OnePlan Group name you intend to integrate with.
Authentication Key
- Paste the generated OnePlan Authentication Key obtained from OnePlan.
Additional Options
- Expand the section for additional configuration options.
(Optional) Alternate OnePlan Environment URL
- If using an environment other than the default (, select the appropriate URL from the available options:
Test Connection
- Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to OnePlan.
- A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing
Save Changes
- After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.
Integration Information
Default Field Mappings
Currently, default field mappings are not predefined for this integration. When the file is read, the possible field names will populate the Tabular Data dropdown within the Field Mappings section. The Out-of-the-Box (OOTB) field names for the OnePlan Financial Cost import dropdown include:
- Cost Date (Date)
- Cost External Id (Text)
- Cost Name (Text)
- Cost Type Id (Text)
- Cost Type Name (Text)
- Cost Value (Decimal/Number)
- Plan External Id (Text)
- Parent Cost External ID (Text)
Mandatory Field Mappings
For this integration to work as intended, all fields are considered mandatory to ensure all functionalities of the integration work as intended.
Default Scheduled Strategies
Synchronize costs from Tabular Data to OnePlan financial planner.
Integration Warnings
Should the CSV document have a Cost External Id that already exists in OnePlan, and the Cost Name does not match any existing cost category name, the integration will create a new row with the Cost Name, however all data will be allocated to the previously existing cost category that has the Cost External Id.
Integration Limitations
Integration does not create Detail Rows
Currently only Custom Cost Categories and Custom Fields are editable/ created. Detail Rows are not an available option to create/edit.
Custom Cost Categories are not Created at the Global Scale
For all custom Cost Categories that are created by this integration, those Cost Categories are only created for the plan the data is being written to. This integration will not create Cost Categories at the Global Level.
- CustomFinancialsImport.csv431 Bytes