This integration is designed to streamline the process of importing approved Time Off requests into the OnePlan Time Off section using a .CSV file.
To complete the OnePlan setup, you need to be an admin (user with Owner permissions) in OnePlan.
- Log into your OnePlan group using your OnePlan login credentials.
- Access the Admin pages by clicking on the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the browser.
- Navigate to the Integration section in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Next to the Authentication Keys section click the + Add Key button.
- Provide a descriptive name or title for the Authentication Key to denote its purpose, then click ADD.
- Store the OnePlan group name and the Authentication Key securely. This grants access to your OnePlan group for any program. Please note that the key will no longer be visible after the page is refreshed.
Note: It's recommended to generate a new authentication key for every integration and assign a descriptive name to each key, enabling clear association with its corresponding integration. This practice enhances security, simplifies management, and facilitates easier tracking and troubleshooting.
Time Off setup & How to Locate Fields for CSV Import
Finding and Creating Time Off Categories
Time off requests do require the request to have a Category to associate the time off as. The value within the CSV file must match the Category name listed (case sensitive). To locate and add to the list of available Time Off Categories:
- Navigate to the OnePlan Admin pages, expand the Time Off Plan in the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click on Time Off Categories +.
- Give the new Time Off Category a Name.
- Click ADD.
Entering Date Values
The date values should be in the format of 2022-05-22 (YYYY-MM-DD).
Entering Hour Values
The expected initial hours value should be a positive number, allowing up to two decimal places. It’s important to note that the maximum number of hours per day is capped at 8 hours. If updating the Time Off hours to a lesser number (e.g., going from 8 hours down to 5 hours), then negative values will be accepted (-3) to fix the amount of time off being used.
Naming Your CSV File
As the integration lacks a specific field for file names, it is imperative that the CSV file be named TimeOff.csv to ensure proper identification and compatibility.
OneConnect Setup Process
To complete the OneConnect setup, you need to be an Administrator or Editor in the OneConnect group you wish to set the integration up in.
- Go to (or for European customers utilizing
- Navigate to Tabular Data and OnePlan Time Off Import. Click Configure.
Tabular Data Connector
SharePoint or OneDrive URL
- Enter the SharePoint/OneDrive URL where the file is located (e.g., https://{OrganizationName}{SiteName}).
Folder Path
- Enter the folder path where the file is located.
- Enter the SharePoint/OneDrive username to be used to access environment.
- Note: The username must not have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) associated with it. Because of this, we encourage a service account to be used to access the SharePoint site.
- Note: It is standard best practice to have a single service account associated with a single integration. If a service account is associated to multiple integrations, throttling can occur from Microsoft, which can lead to strategy failures.
- Enter the password.
(Optional - Checkbox) SharePoint Modern Authentication
- For more information on how to set up SharePoint Modern Authentication. If this box is checked, please enter the Client Id and Client Secret in the Additional Options section.
Additional Options
- Expand the section for additional configuration options.
(Optional) Client Id
- Enter the Client Id generated from the SharePoint site.
(Optional) Client Secret
- Enter the Client Secret generated from the SharePoint site.
- (Optional - Checkbox) Use Last Modified File instead of File Name
(Optional) If you are using an Entra service principle to connect to SharePoint
- Click here to learn more about connecting SharePoint via Entra service principals.
- Expand the section called Advanced Options
- Check the "Use a Service Principal to connect to SharePoint Online" checkbox.
- Click the Authorize button. (you must be a tenant administrator to do that)
Test Connection
- Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to SharePoint/OneDrive.
- A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing.
Save Changes
- After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.
OnePlan Connector
Group Name
- Input the name of the OnePlan Group name you intend to integrate with.
Authentication Key
- Paste the generated OnePlan Authentication Key obtained from OnePlan.
Additional Options
- Expand the section for additional configuration options.
(Optional) Alternate OnePlan Environment URL
- If using an environment other than the default (, select the appropriate URL from the available options:
Test Connection
- Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to OnePlan.
- A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing.
Save Changes
- After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.
Integration Information
Default Field Mappings
TimeOff - TimeOff Section
Currently, default field mappings are not predefined for this integration.
Mandatory Fields
The integration does not currently have the ability to map fields between Tabular Data to OnePlan. Because of this, the CSV column names must have: Resource Name, Email, Start, End, Category, and Hours.
Default Scheduled Strategies
This strategy synchronizes Time Off from Tabular Data to OnePlan Time Off.
Recommended Suggestions
Allocating the Same Hours of Time Off for Multiple Consecutive Days
If allocating the same time off for multiple consecutive days, then a single row listing the Start date and the End date with the Hours value will suffice as is.
Allocating Unique Hours for Multiple Consecutive Days
If allocating a different amount of time for each day, a unique row will have to be entered within the .CSV file for each day.
Integration Limitations
Time Off Requests Only Apply to Non-Generic Resources
Time off allocation is exclusive to non-generic resources. Generic resources will not feature the time-off button as part of their functionality.
Integration does not set or update timesheets
This integration exclusively pertains to the setup of Time Off requests. It's important to note that Timesheets data remains unaffected by the operations of this integration.
Does not Allocate Notes to Time Off
At present, this integration lacks the capability to update or set notes for Time Off. Please be aware of this limitation in the current functionality.
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