Introduction to Portfolio Modeling
Portfolio Models are essential to making informed decisions. Let's explore how OnePlan lets you visualize and optimize your portfolio.
With OnePlan, portfolio modeling isn’t limited to just projects; you can prioritize across products, epics, features, ideas, campaigns, and more.
Interactive Tour
Take a guided tour through the OnePlan Portfolio Modeler using this interactive demo. Click Continue to begin!
You can also click to enter full-screen mode for a better view.
Diving into the IT 2023 Project Planning Model
Let's dive into the IT 2023 Planning Model.
Here, in the model, you’ll see a list of projects and epics ranked by their Prioritization Score. This view allows us to identify active plans, proposed ones, and their associations with Objectives like Key Results, Products, and Value Streams.
Reordering and Modeling Based on Priority
Sometimes, strategic objectives shift. You can easily adjust your portfolio's prioritization.
You can drag and drop your plans to reshuffle their importance within the model.
To demonstrate how easy it is to reorder plans in the Modeler, select a Plan and drag it toward the top of the list.
Now, select another Plan and drag it towards the bottom of the list.
Applying Constraints
Constraints ensure realistic and achievable modeling. First, click on the Analyze button.
Now, let's introduce some limits:
- Enter "$15,000,000" into the Target Budget field.
- Then enter "80,000 hours" into the Targeted Committed Effort field.
- And finally enter "$34,000,000" in the Targeted Benefits field.
Adjustments often need to be made to fit constraints. You can see that we have some issues here meeting our Target Budget and Target Committed Effort constraints.
In OnePlan Portfolio you can start to select which projects are above the line or below the line to meet your constraints.
Uncheck 11 Plans at the bottom of the Model.
Now you can see if you cancel these 11 lower priority plans, you can now meet your constraints.
Time-Phased Planning: Resources & Finances
Resource allocation is pivotal. With the Gantt view, you can visualize any resource overallocations. Let’s strategically delay some plans by dragging them to start next year.
Click on the Resource Plan button followed by the Gantt button.
In this view, you can see resource overallocation by time phase.
To address some of this overallocation move a few plans out to next year by selecting and dragging the Gantt chart to the right.
Likewise, by assessing the time-phased Budget constraint by time phase, some plans might need rescheduling.
Let's open the Financial Planner by clicking on the Financial Plan button.
The Financial Plan gives us a view of a time-phase budget constraint against the current portfolio model. The heatmap indicates where and when you might go over budget.
You can see some problem areas here in the Financial Plan. Uncheck some more plans and, again, drag Gantt to push their start dates to address these issues.
Visualizing Dependencies
No plan operates in isolation. This view helps ensure you haven’t inadvertently de-prioritized any plan that's dependent on another.
Click on the Visualizer button and drag the Visualizer divider to the top.
This view shows you which selected Plans have dependencies on Plans that are not selected in this model. If you see any, you may need to go back and work on your model to include those plans with dependencies.
Analyzing Associations with Business Strategies
Ensuring alignment with broader organizational goals is essential.
Click the Runway Tab.
Here, visualize how your modeled plans correlate with key objectives, results, and products.
Bubble Chart for a Holistic View
OnePlan’s bubble chart offers an illustrative, high-level overview.
Click on the Bubble Chart button.
View plans by prioritization score and benefits, with the bubble size indicating the budget.
Check the Show Out Plans check box. Now you can see both the Plans you selected and deselected.
Saving & Comparing Scenarios
Each modeling iteration can be saved as a distinct scenario, allowing for future comparisons and refinements.
Click on the Scenario drop-down and show other saved models.
OnePlan provides a comparative view across multiple scenarios.
Click on the Analyze button.
Delve deeper by examining the plans included in each scenario.
Click the Details tab, then select Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 and click the Compare button.
In this view, you can compare which plans were selected and unselected and where they stacked ranked.
An executive might want a more visual representation of the differences; that’s where the Dashboard comparison shines.
Click on the Dashboards tab then select Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 and click the Compare button.
In this view, you can compare scenarios using Charts.
With OnePlan’s Portfolio Modeler, you’re armed with tools to craft, modify, and compare.
The goal? Ensuring your strategic objectives align perfectly with your initiatives.