Introduction to My Dashboard
As an Executive, it is important to have insights into how the portfolio is performing. With the OnePlan Power BI Report Pack dashboards, you have all the information you will ever need in one place.
Interactive Tour
Take a guided tour through the OnePlan Dashboards using this interactive demo.
Click Continue to begin!
You can also click to enter full-screen mode for a better view.
Diving Into the Report Pack
Open Power BI, and click Apps and OnePlan Report Pack.
Click on Ideas Dashboard. This Ideas Dashboard report page displays new idea intake rates, idea prioritization, budgets, and main data points.
Click on the Objective Status. This Objective Status report page displays the progress of your objectives as well as their related key results.
Click on Portfolio Summary. This dashboard displays your Portfolio's overall status, including budgets, actuals, and ROIs.
You can slice the data any way you want.
Change The Business Unit filter to IT and note how the dashboard changes. The graphs and tables only display data related to the IT Business Unit.
Go back to the Business Unit filter, and click Select All.
Drill Through
You can even drill into these dashboards for more information. For example, what if you want to learn more about one of the Portfolios in this dashboard?
Right-click on Data Analytic Transformation, click Drill Through, and then Portfolio Details.
Now you are looking at the Programs for this Portfolio.
Let’s drill in further to the Project and Epic level.
Right-click on Enterprise Data Platform, click Drill Through, and then Program Details.
Now we are looking at a list of Projects and Epic in the Enterprise Data Platform program.
You can change the data on the dashboard. Maybe you want to look at health indicators.
Click the Status radio button.
Or maybe you want to view financial information.
Click the Financial radio button.
Or perhaps you are interested in seeing how well the program is being executed overall.
Click the Execution radio button.
Risk Management
Maybe you want to look at a portfolio of risks to better understand the potential risks of the portfolio.
Click the Risk Summary tab.
You can slice this data by just clicking on a piece of the graph.
Select the High slice of pie in the Risks by Impact pie chart.
Trend Analysis
You may also want to know how the portfolio is trending. Are we getting better or worse?
Click on the Health Trend tab.
In this dashboard, you can see how the different status fields have been trending over the past few months.
Click on the Detail Trend tab.
\In this dashboard, I can trend on specific fields like Budget, and Effort fields.
Click on the Work Trend tab.
In the dashboard, I can see work trends on # of late tasks, active issues, and much more.
Subscribe to report
When you find a dashboard you like, you can subscribe to the Dashboard and it will be emailed to you regularly. You no longer have to remember to log in and navigate to the dashboard again. It will just show up in your inbox.
Click on Subscribe to report, and click the Create a subscription button. Then update the Subscription details.
Create an alert
You can also create personal alerts or triggers based on the information in the report.
Click on the Resource Dashboard, and make sure the date range is correct.
So for example, maybe you want to be alerted if the Availability gets over 25%.
Click on the ellipsis in the Availability widget and select Set Alert.
Here you can enter the Threshold. Enter “25%” in the Threshold. And then close.
When you have a question on a report, you can simply start a conversation right from the dashboard or even the chart itself. By clicking this button, it will fire up a Teams conversation with a link to this report.
Or I can start a conversation on a specific chart.
Click on the ellipsis in the Monthly Demand by Role and select Add a comment.
Export your dashboards
When you are ready, you can export the dashboard data to Excel if you want to do more analysis with the data
Click Export and highlight Analyze in Excel.
You can also export the dashboard to a PDF file.
Click Export and highlight PDF.
But my favorite is embedding this actual dashboard in a PowerPoint presentation.
Click Export, then click on PowerPoint, and then click Embed live data. Then click the Open in PowerPoint button.
OnePlan with Power BI provides a user-friendly interface and comprehensive tools to aid executives in making informed decisions efficiently.