Power Apps Entities Integration - Recommendations and Best Practices

Entity Options

How data flows between Power Apps and OnePlan can change depending on how the All Entity Names to be Synchronized field is filled in.

One Entity

If only desiring a single plan/entity to be synched over between Power Apps and OnePlan out of all the entities available, then only enter a single entity.

  • The entity will be labeled as oneplan_{entity} (e.g., oneplan_project). The entity name will be entirely in lowercase letters.

Multiple Entities/Flat Structure

  • This will bring over different entities into Oneplan as plan types at the same level.
    • The entities will be entered as oneplan_{entity1}, oneplan_{entity2} (e.g., oneplan_project, oneplan_program). The different entities will be separated by a comma (,).

Multiple Entities/Hierarchy Structure

This will bring over different entities into OnePlan as plan types at different levels.

  • Beginning at the highest level in the structure, the entities will be separated by a comma, and the lookup entity to nest the child entity will be separated by a colon (:). (e.g., oneplan_portfolio, oneplan_program:oneplan_Portfolio, oneplan_project:oneplan_Program).

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