This article explains the OData filters to help improve OnePlan performance.
The Tasks table can be pre-filtered in the OData query, enhancing the performance of task data loading. The supported OData filter operators include:
eq: Exact matches
ne: Not equal to
gt: Greater than
lt: Less than
ge: Greater than or equal to
le: Less than or equal to
and: Combines multiple filters with an "and" condition
or: Combines multiple filters with an "or" condition
You can filter on work item types by using the operators above with the work item type ID values.
The Plans table can be pre-filtered in the OData query, enhancing the performance of plan data loading. This includes plans in plan-type specific tables. The supported OData filter operators include:
eq: Exact matches
ne: Not equal to
gt: Greater than
lt: Less than
ge: Greater than or equal to
le: Less than or equal to
and: Combines multiple filters with an "and" condition
or: Combines multiple filters with an "or" condition
The Resources table can be pre-filtered in the OData query, enhancing the performance of resource data loading. The supported OData filter operators include:
eq: Exact matches
ne: Not equal to
gt: Greater than
lt: Less than
ge: Greater than or equal to
le: Less than or equal to
and: Combines multiple filters with an "and" condition
or: Combines multiple filters with an "or" condition
You can filter on OnePlan security groups by using the operators above with the security group ID values (instead of the group name).
Timesheet Table Filters
The supported OData filter operators include:
eq: Exact matches
gt: Greater than
lt: Less than
ge: Greater than or equal to
le: Less than or equal to
Currently, the Timesheet table can only be filtered based on the timesheet period (not by project, resource, or other). You can filter on the PeriodStart and PeriodEnd fields.
Dates need to be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. For example:
?$filter=PeriodStart gt 2023-01-01
You can also combine 2 ifs using an and. For example:
?$filter=PeriodStart gt 2023-01-01 and PeriodStart lt 2023-03-01
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