OnePlan Release Notes - October 23rd, 2020 Release

  • Updated

The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the latest release of OnePlan. Check out what's new & enhanced this month!

Work Planner

  • The resource bill Rate Tables have been enhanced. You can now create more than one rate table per project. Each task can then use a different rate table as needed. You can also apply a rate escalation so that bill rates go up over time. This is especially import for building in margin to multiyear projects. You can also copy the rate table from another project so you don't have build then from scratch every time.


  • You can now create a Area that is set at any level of a plan hierarchy. Previously it could only be at the top level of a hierarchy. For example, if you have a hierarchy like portfolios, programs, and projects, you can create a area that starts at the middle level (portfolios).

  • Pre filters are now available for use in in of your portfolio areas. This allows you to filter your portfolio views down to focus on specific data. For example, you could filter a portfolio Kanban board to show just the features in a particular program increment, or just the projects in a particular program, etc. The filter will persist when you move around the portfolios module.

  • In the portfolios financial what if view, no currencies will show up if you have not configured any exchange rates.

  • When using the reorganize feature, and you change a plan to a different branch in your hierarchy, the hierarchical permissions will now be updated to reflect the plans new location.

Odata Reporting

  • In the odata reporting feed, you can now report on when a process stage is changed from one stage to the next. The field is named "ProcessStepStart". This will allow for creating reports that show how long the plan has been in that stage.

Resource Scheduler

  • When grouping a view in the resource scheduler, you will now see resources with no value for that grouping show under a no value grouping. Previously resources with no value would not show in the view if they had no value for the field you are grouping by.

Financial Planner

  • When using fiscal periods in the Financial Planner, the quick link views in the calendar control will now use the fiscal calendar settings. For example, if you click on the "This Year" option, it will show you all of the months for the current fiscal year. It used to show you all of the months for the current calendar year.

Plan Fields

  • When using a plan level lookup field, you can now add a new plan from the lookup field. Previously you had to go to the portfolio view, add the plan, then come back and set the lookup value, if that plan did not yet exist.

Plan Details Forms

  • In associated items tables, you can now create a new plan. This saves you the step of going to the portfolios list view, then creating your new plan, then coming back and linking them.

  • In the associated items tables, you can now link to a existing plan. This saves you a step of going to the portfolio you want to relate, and then setting the proper lookup value.

  • When adding a associated items table, you can now set a filter to choose which plan types you want to show.

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