The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the latest release of OnePlan. Check out what's new & enhanced this month!
Multiple updates / improvements have been made to the Project Pro Desktop publisher. Make sure to download the latest version when prompted to do so. Download Here
Work item choice fields can now be set to numbers that can be easily used in calculations. This is helpful for creating scores like WSJF or prioritization scores.
The "Reorganize" button has a new improved interface. When changing parent plans It allows for type-ahead searching now.
In the portfolio list views there is now a refresh option that will allow you to refresh just the portfolio list. This saves time when you need to refresh the list.
The Portfolio Kanban Board now will show plan ids (if they are setup) when changing the zoom to medium or small. This makes it easier to see which items are which when using the smaller zooms.
You can now export the portfolio list view to Excel, or other common formats.
You can now recall a status report after its been submitted as long as it has not been approved yet. This allows for making any needed changes after submission. Once its approved it will be locked.
When creating plan level calculated fields, you can now use the "Plan Type" in the calculation.
In the Plans table, the "Editor" field is now available. This will show the last person who edited the plan.
Plan level user fields will now show with the user name instead of just the id. This makes it easier to report on.
Multiple performance improvements have been made to the resource scheduler. When loading large amounts of tasks / timesheets it should load much faster now.
Users with Owner permissions can now add time off for other people. Previously people had to enter their own time off.
When using fiscal periods in the Financial Planner, the quick link views in the calendar control will now use the fiscal calendar settings. For example, if you click on the "This Year" option, it will show you all of the months for the current fiscal year. It used to show you all of the months for the current calendar year.
Comments are now able to be deleted. This helps if you accidentally typed something then need to remove it.
A new alerts icon shows in the top right hand side of OnePlan. If you have notifications that you have not yet read it will alert you to the number of notifications waiting for you to view.
You can now delete sub-grids / work item grids that have been created for a plan detail form. Previously you could remove it from the form, but not delete it from the field options.