The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the latest release of OnePlan. Check out what's new and enhanced in the upcoming release!

The portfolios list user experience has been updated to be more usable and modern. This includes the list view, Gantt, resource grid, financial grid, and the overall prioritization experience. The functionality has not changed, but you will notice a different look and feel. Common actions including dragging and dropping should feel more natural and usable.
The portfolio list view loads much quicker when loading large amounts of data.
You can now easily see a count of the plans under each level of hierarchy or grouping.
When using the quick edit form, you can now use the pop out button to expand or collapse the form size.
Trend fields are now available. This allows you to easily see if key metrics are improving over time.

Rules can now be created to make plan level fields required, hidden, or read only based on business logic. For example: "manager" must be filled in before you can move to the "active" process step and becomes read only once your plan becomes "active". You can reference any plan field or process step in this business logic. You can also create different rules per plan type.
Text descriptions can be added to your plan details forms. This is helpful for adding descriptions or information that will help a user to fill in the required plan information.
Common plan actions have been added to the plan details toolbar for easy and intuitive use. This includes "shared with", "comments", and "add favorite". Previously these options only showed under the plan ellipsis option.
Child plan tables can now be sorted alphanumerically by choice fields.
You can now add tooltip descriptions for plan fields. They will show when you hover over a field title. This can help users to better understand what fields should be used for without cluttering the plan details form.
When creating a new plan, the plan name will now be a required field.
You can now create total rollup fields based on associated plans. You just need a lookup field to create the association.
Picture fields are now available. This allows you to show pictures that represent your plans.
The size of multi-text fields can now be set using field settings. This allows you to make the field as large or small as you would like.
You can now easily split plan costs between parent plans. For example, you could split project costs between multiple programs, departments, divisions, etc.
You can now navigate to other plans from the plan detail form. This makes it easier to switch between your plans.
The # of days a plan has been in the current process step now shows on the plan details form.

The Azure DevOps integration has been improved to allow for more flexibility and an all around better user experience.
The backlog item sync is now bi-directional even after the initial sync. You can create or edit data in OnePlan or Azure DevOps and then sync to the other system. The only fields that are not editable in OnePlan are the ones you choose to only sync from DevOps to OnePlan.
The last sync dates are now visible. This allows you to easily see how up to date your backlog data is.
Sprints are now synced into OnePlan so you can easily filter to see just the items in a particular sprint. Previously sprint was a text field that could only be used for sorting.
You can now easily link to a backlog item from the work planner. Clicking the connected system icon will link you to the related item in Azure DevOps.
Knowledge base article: OnePlan and Azure DevOps: Epics - how the integration works
Knowledge base article: OnePlan and Azure DevOps: Epics - how to set up the integration

The OnePlan Collaborative Work and Project Management solution is now available. You can find more information at the following link. Click Here
You can now use the contextual menu on a work item to add items to the schedule view. This makes it easier to add work items like issues and backlog items to your schedule.
When updating the choice field values of your labor field, the related cost category titles will automatically update.