What are the Tools options?

  • Updated

This article explains what the Tools option are.

Go to the Admin pages, select General in the navigation. Then, expand the Tools topic headings.


Plan Cleanup Tool

The Plan Cleanup tool is used to bulk delete plans.

Plans and all associated data deleted with the Plan Cleanup tool are removed permanently.

To delete plans with the Plan Cleanup tool:

  1. Select Plan Cleanup from the Tools topic headings.

  2. Check the check box next to the plans you wish to remove.

    NOTE: Checking the Plan check box at the top of the window will select all plans.

  3. Select Delete Selected Plans.

  4. In the warning pop-up, select Yes to confirm that you would like to delete the selected plans. Select No to cancel.


Config Update Tools

Use the Config Update tools to upgrade your configuration if created with old templates.

The Config Update tools include:

  • Add Task Type Field: This tool adds the Default Task type field to the plan.

  • Fix Plan Type Lookups: This tool adds lookups for plan types and updates lookup values to the appropriate plan for all plans in the system.

  • Calculate Plans: This tool recalculated all plans. The tool also adds WBS codes to plans.

  • Add Availability: This tool adds resource availability dates.

To use any of the Config Update tools:

  1. Select Config Update Tools from the Tools topic headings.

  2. Select Run Tool for the desired tool.


Plan Type Renumber Tool

Use the Plan Type Renumber tool to renumber plan I.D.s for a given plan type.

To use the Plan Type Renumber tool:

  1. Select Plan Type Renumber from the Tools topic headings.

  2. Select the plan type you would like to renumber from the drop down.

  3. Check the Only Blanks check box to only renumber plans without I.D. numbers.

  4. Select RenumberPlans to run the tool.


Processes Tool

Use the Process tool to view and manage background processes.

Select Processes from the Tools menu to view and manage background processes.

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