Integration: Power Apps (Adaptive PPM Solution) to Teams
Only for use on 'Adaptive PPM Solution' - This will only currently work if the Project entity name is: oneplan_project
Dynamics connector, same setup/config as other integrations.
Teams connector:
Provide the following link to a Global Admin for a tenant:
OneConnect for Teams (App)
Once they’ve ‘Approved’ the app, they’ll be redirected to - that’s the expected result.
Use the following Client Id: f166764a-8e6c-433a-adf5-41e00045b50b
If using this client id, no Client Secret is required.
Under Additional Options:
Default Owner Email: Can be left blank, unless they want to have a specific person be added as an Owner to any Teams created from the integration.
Group Name Prefix: Can be left blank. Typically only used for DEV/QA environments, e.g. ‘DEVENV_’ will be added to any Team created from the integration.
Tenant Id: Tenant ID for the tenant… If you’re logged in with one of their accounts, you can get it from OneConnect > Settings > Tenant Information > Id