This article explains how to manage work items in the My Work Board.
The Board presents assigned work items in a Kanban board view.
To move items in the board, drag and drop the desired card into the desired location. This will update the status of the item in the plan.
To edit work item information:
Select the fields from the Column and Lane menus to create the columns and lanes in the board.
Due to column and lane selection some drag options may not be available. You may only drag items between statusable columns or lanes.
Filter the work items that appear in the board view. To apply filters:
Select the information that appears on the work item cards.
Make any changes to the view, such as adding columns, arranging columns, etc.
On the View menu, select Save View. The Save View form will open.
Complete the Save View form.
View Name: Initially, the current view name will show. Update to a new name. If updating a view rather than saving a new view, keep the name as-is.
Default View: Check the checkbox if this is a default view. A default view will open automatically when you go to the Work Plan.
Personal View: Check the checkbox if this is a personal view. It is checked by default. Administrators may save a view as a global view for the group by deselecting the checkbox.