OnePlan and Tabular Data for Bulk Resource Center Import

  • Updated

This article provides a comprehensive guide on setting up the integration between OnePlan and Tabular Data for both bulk resource import and updating of resources.  

How to Use OnePlan with Tabular Data

This integration focuses on importing resources in bulk into OnePlan via a .CSV file.

OnePlan Setup

To complete the OnePlan setup, you need to be an admin (user with Owner permissions) in OnePlan.

  1. Log into your OnePlan group using your OnePlan login credentials.

  2. Access the Admin pages by clicking on the settings (gear) icon at the top right of the browser.

  3. Navigate to the Integration section in the left-hand navigation panel.

  4. Next to the Authentication Keys section click the + Add Key button.

  5. Provide a descriptive name or title for the Authentication Key to denote its purpose, then click ADD

  6. Store the OnePlan group name and the Authentication Key securely. This grants access to your OnePlan group for any program. Please note that the key will no longer be visible after the page is refreshed.

Note: It's recommended to generate a new authentication key for every integration and assign a descriptive name to each key, enabling clear association with its corresponding integration. This practice enhances security, simplifies management, and facilitates easier tracking and troubleshooting.

2024 Authentication Key Img.png

Enable OnePlan App Permissions

These steps will require action from the client's Tenant Administrator to enable app permissions and consent on behalf of the organization.

  1. Log into your OnePlan group using your OnePlan login credentials.
  2. Open the OnePlan configuration pages by clicking on the Settings (gear) icon.
    • Please note that some steps listed below should have been covered during Technical Readiness
  3. Select Users in the Admin Navigation panel.
  4. Expand the AD Synchronization section.

  5. At the bottom of the section, locate: To synchronize users you must enable app permissions: here. Click on the blue here button to allow the tenant administrator to grant permissions. 

    • The tenant administrator will have to provide their tenant credentials to approve the app permissions on behalf of the organization.
  6. Once the permissions have been granted for step 5, go to the OnePlan configuration page, go to Integration section, locate: To allow integration to this tenant, please make sure you are logged in with a tenant admin and click here. Click on the blue here button to allow the tenant administrator to grant permissions. 
    • The tenant administrator will have to provide their tenant credentials to approve the app permissions on behalf of the organization.
  7. Once the permissions have been granted for step 6, navigate to to provide tenant admin consent for the OnePlan group.
    • The tenant administrator will have to provide their tenant credentials to approve the app permissions on behalf of the organization.

Entering Boolean (Yes/No) Values

To populate or update any desired resource yes/no fields, the only acceptable values are currently true or false. Variations in punctuation do not matter.

Exception: An exception to this is the Inactive field, this value can accept true, false, active and inactive as acceptable values.

Entering Date Values

To populate or update any desired resource date fields, the approved date format is 2022-05-22T00:00:01 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).

Entering Numerical Values

To populate or update any desired resource number fields, ensure that values up to 2 decimal places.

Entering Multi-Choice Values

To populate or update any desired resource multichoice fields, ensure that between the values a semicolon + number sign (;#) is between them without spaces (i.e., value1;#value2). Please note that only the GUID values for single and multi-choice fields are supported. 

Entering User Values

To populate or update any desired resource user field (i.e., manager, or timesheet manager), the email should be used. 

Exception: An exception to this is the email field. This cannot be updated or changed via the integration.

Locating GUIDs for Resource Choice and Multi-Choice Fields

To populate or update any desired resource choice field for your resources, the current and only available option is to locate the GUID.

  1. Open the OnePlan Configuration page by clicking on the Settings (gear) icon.
  2. Go to Fields in the Admin Navigation, expand Resource Fields.
  3. Locate the choice field desired and click on the Edit icon. The Edit Choices form will open.
  4. In the column title, click on the dropdown arrow to expand the options available, select Columns, and select Id. These values are the GUIDs for the specific choice options.

Note: If the GUIDs do not match, no value will populate that field in the Resource Center.

OneConnect Setup Process

To complete the OneConnect setup, you need have Administrator or Editor privileges in the OneConnect group you wish to set the integration up in.

  1. Go to (or for European customers utilizing

  2. Navigate to Tabular Data to OnePlan Resource Center Import. Click on Configure.

Tabular Data Connector

  1. SharePoint or OneDrive URL
  2. Folder Path
    • Enter the folder path where the file is located.
  3. Username
    • Enter the username.
    • Note: Ensure that the provided username does not have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) associated with it. It is recommended to use a dedicated service account to access the SharePoint site. Best practice dictates one service account per integration to avoid data throttling and potential strategy failures by Microsoft. 
  4. Password
    • Enter the password.
  5. (Optional - Checkbox) SharePoint Modern Authentication
    • For more information on how to set up SharePoint Modern Authentication. If this box is checked, please enter the Client Id and Client Secret in the Additional Options section. 
  6. Additional Options
    • Expand this section for additional configuration options.
  7. (Optional) Client Id
    • If using Modern Authentication, enter the Client ID generated from the SharePoint site. 
  8. (Optional) Client Secret
    • If using Modern Authentication, enter the Client Secret generated from the SharePoint site. 
  9. Resource Import File Name
    • Specify the file name to be used for the Resource import. Currently, only the .CSV format is fully supported.
  10. (Optional) If you are using an Entra service principle to connect to SharePoint
    • Click here to learn more about connecting SharePoint via Entra service principals.
    • Expand the section called Advanced Options
    • Check the "Use a Service Principal to connect to SharePoint Online" checkbox.
    • Click the Authorize button. (you must be a tenant administrator to do that)
  11. Test Connection
    • Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to SharePoint/OneDrive.
    • A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing.
  12. Save Changes
    • After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.

OnePlan Connector

  1. Group Name
    • Input the name of the OnePlan Group name you intend to integrate with.
  2. Authentication Key
    • Paste the generated OnePlan Authentication Key obtained from OnePlan.
  3. Additional Options
    • Expand the section for additional configuration options.
  4. (Optional) Alternate OnePlan Environment URL
  5. Test Connection
    • Click Test to verify the correctness of the connection settings to OnePlan.
    • A notification indicating Connected Successfully should appear in the top-right corner of the browser upon successful testing.
  6. Save Changes
    • After verifying the connection, click Save to retain the configured settings.
  7. Click Test to ensure that the connection settings to OnePlan are correct. A small notification of Connected Successfully should appear towards the top right of the page. 
  8. Click Save.

Integration Information

Default Field Mappings

Currently there are no default field mappings for this integration.

Mandatory Fields

Display Name and Email are mandatory fields. While generic resources don’t necessarily need an email address value, mapping the field is essential for the SynchResources strategy to run successfully.

For generic resources, a Display Name value is mandatory.

For non-generic resources, the Email is mandatory.

Default Scheduled Strategies


Synchronize resources from Tabular Data into OnePlan Resource Center. This strategy will create new resources as well as update existing resources regardless of the resources active/inactive state. 

Syncing Additional OnePlan Resource Fields

This is the list of available out of the box resource fields available for the Resource Center integration. 

Available From Display Name Inactive* Timesheet Administrator
Available To Email Manager Timesheet Manager
Business Unit Generic* Rate Quantity
Cost Global Permissions* Role  

*If these fields are not mapped, the integration will automatically assume these settings on behalf of you: the resources are not generic, the Enterprise Security Group (Global Permissions) are to be set to the default setting in OnePlan, all resources are active, and all resources are not timesheet administrators.

Enterprise Security Groups (New)

OnePlan has recently released a change in how resources are given permission to access OnePlan. Enterprise Security Groups allow more control over what groups of resources will have access to within OnePlan.

To set the Enterprise Security Group, the Global Permissions field will still be used to set the group access for the resource. However, to set the Enterprise Security Group for new resourcess going forward the front-end name of the security group will now be used. For example, if the security group has the name of “Timesheet Users Type 2”, then that is the value that should be entered within the Global Permissions column in the CSV file.  

If no value is entered within the Global Permissions column, then the default value set within the OnePlan Configuration page will be set automatically. Please note that to update a resources’s Enterprise Security Group, a value must be entered in the CSV file, otherwise the previously set value will stay the same.

Global Permissions (Discontinued Method)

This section covers the now discontinued method of allocating licenses/access to OnePlan.

When previously importing resources into OnePlan, if the resource is new, then the resource will be created with the permissions level number given if this field is mapped:

  • 0 gives resource permission of None
  • 1 gives resource permission of Team Member
  • 2 gives resource permission of Contributor
  • 3 gives resource permission of Manager
  • 4 gives resource permission of Owner
  • 5 gives resource permission of Executive

Today because of the switch to Enterprise Security Groups, these number values will still work if the Enterprise Security Group name has not been altered or removed.

Integration Limitations

Integration will not Delete Resources

This integration will not delete Resources. Resources can be created, updated, or marked as inactive.

Resource Access is Only Assigned from Resource Center

This integration will only alter fields that are related to the Resource Center. The ability to update what plans the resource has access to cannot be done from this integration.

To alter what OnePlan Modules/Sections are available to the Enterprise Security Group, please navigate to the OnePlan Configuration page and go to Users. The Enterprise Security Group section will reside there.

User Principal Name (UPN) is not Supported as an Alternative to Email

Currently, only email is used to be queried from the clients Azure Active Directory to give the person access to OnePlan. User Principal Name cannot be used as an alternative to the email.

Integration will only bring in Resources Within Microsoft Tenant

At this time, the Tabular Data Resource Center integration will only bring in resources that reside within the clients Microsoft tenant organization. This integration currently does not have the capability to add "outside" resources. 

Immutability of User Type and Email in OnePlan

OnePlan lacks the capability to change a generic resource to a non-generic resource or vice versa. Once this value has been set, it remains unalterable.

If the user type is accidentally set incorrectly, we encourage deleting the resource in OnePlan, and resyncing the resource again.

If a resource has a changed or updated email, manual editing within OnePlan must be made to the resource. 

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