This article explains how to access and use the DateFix utility to fix the data in database and rollup dates issues in the work planner.
Install the OnePlan DateFix Utility.
Run the Utility Tool with the below details:
Environment: Select your OnePlan environment.
Connection Key: Enter an authentication key generated from your OnePlan environment.
Plan Id: Enter the Id for the tool to update specific projects or leave it as blank to run for all the projects.
Fix Date Rollups for Tasks: Fixes the rollups for Summary Start and End dates based on the Schedule start and end dates
Check for Orphaned Tasks: Tasks that are in database but are not in the front end
Run a Test only (Do not update plans): It will run a test to show which data will updated but will not actually update the plans.
Log Fixes Only: If it is enabled it will only show the entries that are fixed.
Click Run to run the utility.