Azure DevOps Team Projects Integration - Recommendations and Best Practices

  • Updated

This article describes OnePlan's recommendations and best practices for the Azure DevOps Team Projects integration.

Set Plan Type for Azure DevOps Team Project

In OnePlan, the default Plan Types include: Portfolio, Program, Project, Epic, Objective, Idea, and Key Result. 

To assign a Plan Type for Azure DevOps Team Projects, type in the desired OnePlan Plan Type into the OnePlan Default Plan Type field located within the OneConnect connector. 

My Plan is Missing from My Portfolio

To verify the import status of your plan, navigate to Home > Plans > All Plans. Search for the plan by its name. If the plan appears, check the 'Plan Type' column. If it's empty, you'll need to manually assign a valid plan type. To do this, use the Reorganize button located within the hamburger menu on the left side of the plan name.

Connecting Multiple Azure DevOps integrations to OnePlan

Each integration will be connected to a single Azure DevOps Organization.

Authentication Keys & Personal Access Tokens

It is highly recommended to allocate a distinct OnePlan Authentication Key for each integration. This practice enhances security and ensures clear identification for each integration.

Unique Naming Convention

To facilitate synchronization and differentiation among the Azure DevOps organizations, assign a unique name to each integration. This name serves as a distinguisher when exporting data from OnePlan. To set the Unique Name:

  • Access Additional Options within OneConnect Integration section.
  • Locate and complete the Button Name field, specifying the name that signifies the Azure DevOps organization being synched to.
  • Click Save.

Complete the next steps only if Azure DevOps is already connected/installed into your OnePlan group.

  • Access Reinstall within OneConnect Advanced section of the integration.
  • Click Start.

Note: Reinstalling the integration will reinstall the events into the OnePlan integration section. If previously removed, please delete the event again.

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