Common Project Online Integration Errors

  • Updated

This article lists and describes common errors that may occur with the Project Online integration.

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException [GeneralNotLicensed] (20024): ProjectServerError(s) LastError=GeneralNotLicensed Instructions: Pass this into PSClientError constructor to access all error information

The service account configured in OneConnect to connect to Project Online does not have a license for Project Online. Please make sure you assign at least a Plan 3 type of license to the account.

[CheckOutCheck]: {OnePlan ID}: Currently checked out by {User Display Name} ({User Email}), skipping.

The plan (named in the error) is currently checked out by the user in OnePlan. That person or someone else must check the plan back in for the item to sync data back to OnePlan or be updated with the values within OnePlan.

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