Execution - Resource Plan

  • Updated

Introduction to the Global Resource Plan

As a Resource or Functional Manager, managing your team's workload is paramount. OnePlan gives you a comprehensive view of all your resources, ensuring you can optimize allocations and meet plan needs.

Interactive Tour

Take a guided tour through the OnePlan My Portfolio Area using this interactive demo. Click Continue to begin!

You can also click to enter full-screen mode for a better view.

Overview of Resources and their Workloads

Click on the Resource Plan icon in Navigation. Make sure you are on the Committed resource type and select the !Resource Summary view.

In this view, you can see a portfolio of people, equipment, or any type of resource that you manage workload, and availability. You can also see generic resources such as Roles as a requirement fulfilled.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Overview.png

Notice the heat map in the section on the right. It highlights when a resource allocation might be overallocated.

Hover your cursor over a cell that is red and read out the information.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Overallocation.png

You can also view the resource allocation by different date ranges as well.

Click on the More Options button, select Dates, Quarters, and Apply.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Quarters.png

OnePlan also supports weekly resource planning if needed.

Group Resources by Role

You might also want to group your resources to see if a specific role or department and its resource allocation.

Click on View and select Resource Plans by Role. Expand the Developer role.

Here you can see which roles are overallocated and when.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Resource by Role.png

By switching resource allocation type from Hours to FTE you can see the head count that is needed for each role and when.

Switch Hours, to FTE.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Switch to FTE.png

Now, hover your cursor over the red cell in the Developer Role.

Notice that we only have a capacity of 6 Developers but in these months we need to hire more Developers.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Overallocated Developers.png

Drill-Down into Specific Resources

By selecting a specific resource, gain insights into their allocations across different plans.

Click on Erlich Bachman to drill in.

By drilling into the resource, you can see which Plans and how many hours they are allocated to those plans.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - ERlich Bachman.png

As a Resource Manager, you can adjust allocations of effort for each plan.

In one of the plans for Erlich Bacman, type new hours in a cell.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Update Allocation.png

On the left of the resource name, you can see which resources are Committed to the plan and which resources are still Proposed. OnePlan has a Negotiation feature that can manage a workflow for approval or you can leave it open for a Resource Manager to approve the booking. In this configuration a Resource Manager can change a Proposed to Committed.

Click on a Proposed Icon and show you can change it to Committed.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Update to Committed.png

Fulfill and Replace a Resource

If a resource is overallocated or if you're unsure of who to assign to a Plan, OnePlan can help you identify the best match-based resource based on skills and availability.

For Example, let’s say Erlich Bachman is overallocated and we need to move some work to another resource.

Select the SEO Optimization check box to highlight that row and Click on the Candidates List button.

Notice you can find available resources by searching the resource center. You can search by any type of resource metadata or you can ask OnePlan to find the Best Match.

In the Candidates list below click on the Best Match option in Find Resources drop down.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Open Candidates List.png

Now you can see a list of resources with that Role/Skill and you can see which department they are in or it could be location or their office. You can configure the resource metadata in OnePlan.

Once you find the resource with the right skills and availability you can select them and click on the Replace Resource button. 

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Replace Resource.png

I may also want to Fulfill a request from a Plan Manager. Notice I have a Role called Developer.

Expand the Developer resource row.

Below the Developer resource is a list of resource requests. I can select anyone of these requests and search for a resource to fulfill this request.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Developer.png

Select the Concept Development check box and click Find Resources, select By Role, and then Developer.

Now I am looking at all my Developers sorted by their availability.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Fufill Resource.png

When you find the right resource with the right skills, location, and availability you can just replace the generic role with an actual resource.

Click on the Replace Resource button. 

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Fufill Developer Need.png

As a Resource Manager, I now know I have the best resource with the best availability assigned to each plan across the organization.

Track Resource Allocation Progress

In this configuration, we have 3 different types of resource plans. The first type is “Committed”, this type is what we use to agree on the original resource plan with the plan managers.

Click on the Committed drop-down and show the other Resource Types.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Resource Plan Types.png

We also are tracking what is being scheduled and if using Timesheets what is actually being done against these plans. This allows you to compare what we originally agreed to allocate to the plan, what is currently scheduled to be done, and what is actually being done for each resource.

Click on the drop-down and change Compare To to Committed < Schedule.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Compare To.png

Now you can compare the original Committed Plan to what is now in the Scheduled Plan to see the variance in what you agreed to and what is now being executed.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Comparison.png

Now let’s switch the view back to looking at resource capacity.

Click on the drop-down and change Compare To to Capacity.

Visualizing Resource Allocations

View dynamic reports and dashboards of your resources and their allocations.

Click the Dashboard button.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Access Dashboard.png

The Resource Dashboard tab shows a summarized view of all your resource allocations.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Resource Dashboard.png

These dashboards are dynamic, and you slice the data. For example, let’s just look at the resources in the IT Department.

Change the Department slicer to just IT.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Dashboard by IT.png

We also might just want to look at the Committed resource plan type.

Change the Cost Type to Committed.

Trial Guide - Resource Plan - Dashboard by Committed.png

OnePlan provides an out-of-the-box report page that comes with several prebuilt dashboards.


With OnePlan's Resource Plan, not only do you maintain an organized overview of your team's commitments, but you also ensure that each resource is optimally utilized, fostering productivity and meeting project needs.

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