Create Local Plan Fields in the Work Plan

  • Updated

This article explains how to create and manage local plan fields in the Work Planner.

Plan Managers can create local plan fields to capture additional information for work items. You can add calculations and/or conditional formatting rules to these local fields. These fields are exclusive to your plan and are meant for internal reference only. Local plan fields will not be included in the OData feed or any reports.


You can create up to 10 local fields per plan.

Create a Local Field

  1. Click the Columns icon. The Select Columns form will open.

  2. Click Local Plan Fields. The Edit Fields form will open.

  3. Here you will see a list of all existing local plan fields (if available). You can also edit and delete existing local fields from here. To create a new local plan field, click Add Field. The New Work Field form will open.

  4. Complete the General tab of the New WorkField form.

    1. Give your new local plan field a Name.

    2. (Optional) enter a description for your field. This description will appear as a tooltip when you hover your mouse over the field in the Work Plan.

    3. Select the field type. Options include:

      • Text

      • Date

      • Number

      • Currency

      • YesNo

      • Choice

      • User

      • Multichoice

      The field configuration form will change dynamically based on your selection. See Create and Edit Plan Fields for more information on the different field types and their configuration.

    4. Check the Required check box if the field is required.

    5. Check the Read Only check box if the field is read-only.

    6. Select the Work Types where this local plan field will be available to use.

  5. Click Save. You will return to the Edit Fields form. Your new local plan field will now be available in the list of all local fields for the current plan.

  6. Click Close. You will return to the Select Columns form. The new local plan field will automatically be added to your Work Plan view. You can drag and drop the fields in the Select Columns window to rearrange your view.



    If you do not save a Work Plan view with your local plan fields, they will then become available in the All Columns section of the Select Columns form, so you can add them back into your Work Plan at any time.

  7. Click Ok. Now you can enter data into the local plan field right from your Work Plan.


    We strongly recommend saving a view with your local plan fields. See Modify and Save Views in the Work Plan Grid for instructions.


Once your local fields are defined, they will now appear in a "Local Fields" section at the bottom of the Work Item Quick Edit form, with all fields fully editable, improving efficiency and user experience.


Local fields can also be grouped and filtered in the work plan list, giving you more control and flexibility by organizing and analyzing your personal fields, making it easier to manage and focus on the data most relevant to your work.


Add a Calculation to a Local Field

Plan managers can add calculations to local plan fields! This Increases flexibility and efficiency by automating calculations within local fields, reducing manual work and ensuring accurate data insights.


You need to create a calculation for each scenario or value of a field that is part of that rule. For example, for a field to be set to true or false, create two calculations - one for when value should be set to True, and create one for when value should be set to False.

  1. You can add a calculation to an existing local field, or a new local field.

    • To add a calculation to an existing field, locate the field you want to edit clicking the Columns button in the Work Plan toolbar > Local Plan Fields. Click the Edit icon next to the field you would like to add a calculation to. The Edit Field form will open. Then proceed with the following procedure.

    • To add a calculation to a new local field, follow the steps 1-4 in Create a Local Field, then proceed with the following procedure.

  2. Select the Calculation tab in the Edit Field form.

  3. Select Calculated in the Calculation Type drop down.

  4. Click Add Calculation. The Edit Calculation form will open.

  5. Complete the Edit Calculation form.

    • Select Field To Add: Select the a field you would like to use in your calculation. The selected field will populate the Calculation field below.


      Do not select a calculated field. You cannot create calculations with other calculated fields. The calculation will not update and your information will be incorrect.

    • Calculation: Build your calculation in the field. Use selected fields, or enter values.

      Available calculations include:

      • Basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

      • DATEDIFF([field 1], [field 2]). This function calculates the difference between two date fields.

      • [AssignmentCost]. This function multiplies effort by cost using your organization's rate tables.

      • [AssignmentRevenue]. This function multiplies effort by revenue using your organization's rate tables.

    • Always Calculate: Check the check box if you want the calculation to run even when the conditional fields do not change.

    • Calculate When (And): Add one or more rules/logic for the calculation.

  6. Click Save for the Edit Calculation form. Then click Save again for the Edit/New Work Field form. Now your local field is a calculated field.

Add Conditional Formatting to a Local Field

Plan managers can also add conditional formatting rules to local fields, making it easier to identify key information and focus on priorities.

  1. You can add conditional formatting to an existing local field, or a new local field.

    • To add a calculation to an existing field, locate the field you want to edit clicking the Columns button in the Work Plan toolbar > Local Plan Fields. Click the Edit icon next to the field you would like to add a calculation to. The Edit Field form will open. Then proceed with the following procedure.

    • To add a calculation to a new local field, follow the steps 1-4 in Create a Local Field, then proceed with the following procedure.

  2. Select the Formats tab in the Edit Fields form.

  3. Click the New Format icon (+). The Add Format form will open.

  4. Configure the field formatting for the conditional formatting rule.


    As you update the format settings for the field, the Field field of the Add Format form will update in real time to provide a preview of the format rule.

    • Color: This setting change the field's text color when the format rule applies. Click into the field and use the color picker to set the conditional text formatting. You may select a color by clicking in the main color block, using the slides on the scales, and/or typing directly into the color values for R, G, and B. The HEX code will show based on your selections.

    • Background Color: This setting will change the field's background color when the format rule applies. Click into the field and use the color picker to set the conditional field background formatting. You may select a color by clicking in the main color block, using the slides on the scales, and/or typing directly into the color values for R, G, and B. The HEX code will show based on your selections.

    • Tooltip: This setting will create a hover-over tooltip for the field. When a user hovers their mouse over the field in the Work Plan, a tooltip with the set text will appear. Enter the text that will show when hovering over the field in the Work Plan.

  5. Configure Format Calculations to determine when the conditional format rule will apply to your local field. Select the field, operator, and field value for when the format rule will apply.

    1. Click the New Format Calculation icon (+). The Add Calculation form will open. Select the field that must change for the conditional formatting to apply. Then click Add. You will return to the Add Format form. Note a new, incomplete calculation has been added to the Format Calculations section of the form.

    2. Complete the calculation by selecting the Operator (e.g.equal, less than, greater than), and Field Value to set the conditions that must be met for the conditional formatting to apply. In this example, I want my local field Text Local Plan Field Example to get blue text and a yellow background when the %Done field for the work item is equal to 66%.

  6. Click Add. You will be taken back to the Formats tab of the Edit Field form. Click Save. Now your conditional formatting will apply to the local field when the format rule conditions are met. You can see that the Text Local Plan Field Example field has a yellow background and blue text because the task's %Done field was updated to 66%.


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