External Dependencies in the Work Plan

  • Updated

This article explains how to use external / inter-plan dependencies in the OnePlan Work Plan.

External dependencies allows tasks across different plans to be linked, ensuring that any schedule changes in a linked task prompt an alert to the related task's owner. Upon confirmation, their plan automatically updates to mirror these changes. This feature is accessible to users with Reader access or higher, enabling them to link tasks as predecessors, while those with Contributor access or above can link tasks as successors. An email notification will be sent out for any changes to linked tasks, keeping everyone's work in sync and improving response to project timeline shifts, thus enhancing project coordination.

Create an External Dependency

To create a task dependency to a task in another plan:

  1. Click the contextual menu for the desired task in your current schedule, then select External Task > Predecessor Task or Successor Task. The Add External Task form will open.

  2. Search for and select the plan where the external task originates from.

  3. Select the task. Then click Ok.

  4. The external task will be added to your work plan schedule as a "ghost task" and is not editable from your schedule. To edit the external task, you need to go to the task's original work plan.

  5. Save your work plan.

Now, when there are updates to the external task, your work plan schedule will update as well to reflect those changes when you approve.

When Someone Adds an External Task to Their Schedule from Your Plan

When another plan owner adds an external task to their schedule from your plan, you, as the plan owner, will be notified via email.


Additionally, when you open up your work plan, you will see a notification informing you of the new external dependency. You can accept the change by clicking Ok, or reject by clicking Cancel.


Update Your Schedule When an External Task is Updated

When an external task is updated, the updates will not automatically be reflected in your schedule. You will receive a notification email informing you of the update.


Additionally, when you open up your work plan, you will see a notification informing you of the updates. You can accept the changes to your schedule due to the external task by clicking Ok. When you click Ok, your work plan schedule will update to reflect the changes made to the external task.


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