This article explains how to set up the integration between your OnePlan group/environment and Microsoft Project Online.
This integration focuses on using Project Online with OnePlan.
In order to do the OnePlan setup, you need to be an admin, meaning you are a user with Owner permissions in OnePlan.
Log in to your OnePlan group with your Office365 account.
Open the Admin pages by clicking on the Settings gear.
Select Integration in the admin navigation.
Click the + (plus) icon in the Authentication Keys section.
Save the key name & generated key somewhere (such as in a notepad doc), as once you navigate away, the key cannot be seen. To be used at a later step in the OneConnect configuration.
To complete the OneConnect setup, you need have Administrator or Editor privileges in the OneConnect group you wish to set the integration up in.
Go to (or for European customers utilizing
Click Add Integration.
Locate the Project Online to OnePlan integration.
There are two integrations between Project Online and OnePlan:
Click Configure. The Integration configuration form will open.
Complete the integration configuration form.
Complete the Project Online section.
Site URL: Enter the Project Online URL (e.g., https://{OrganizationName}{SiteName}).
Username: Enter the username.
The username must not have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) associated with it. Because of this, we encourage a service account to be used to access the SharePoint site.
It is standard best practice to have a single service account be associated to a single integration. If a service account is associated to multiple integrations, throttling can occur from Microsoft, which can lead to strategy failures.
Password: Enter the password for the Username.
(Suggested) Client Id + Modern Authentication Checkbox: If desired, modern authentication is available. For instructions to set up modern authentication, see Set Up Project Online Modern Authentication.
(Optional – Checkbox) Use timesheet hours as actuals:
(Optional - Checkbox) On-premises Project Server: If using Project Server, check this box.
(Optional) Enterprise Project Type (UID):
Click Next.
Complete the OnePlan section.
Expand the Additional Options area to see all the necessary fields to be filled in.
Group Name: Enter the OnePlan Group name you will be integrating into.
Authentication Key: Enter the OnePlan Authentication Key generated from OnePlan.
(Optional) Alternate OnePlan Environment URL: If using an alternative environment than,please select the appropriate URL here.
Options currently are:,,
(Optional) OnePlan Default Plan Type: This is to be used in replace of the Portfolio Plan Type field mapping, should one not be provided automatically within the integration. This is to provide a default plan type for any plan level work items that are brought into OnePlan. A single value should be entered.
Click Next.
This integration has two main use cases for functionality.
Project Online and OnePlan (Task assignments to Resource Engagements)
Ability to create/update Plan in OnePlan
Ability to create/update Project in Project Online
Ability to create/update Resource engagements in Project Online based on Task Assignments in OnePlan
Ability to create/update resources in OnePlan based on Project Online resource pool
Project Online and OnePlan (Resource Plans to Resource Engagements, Tasks to Tasks)
Ability to create/update Plan in OnePlan
Ability to create/update Project in Project Online
Ability to create/update tasks in Project Online
Ability to create/update Resource engagements in Project Online based on Resource Plans in OnePlan
Ability to create/update resources in OnePlan based on Project Online resource pool
This integration installs the OnePlan button on the PWA site ribbon.
When the selected project has never been synchronized before, this button will perform “ProjectPublish” action on that project. Action is further explained in the section below.
When the selected project has been synchronized/connected to a plan in OnePlan, this button will perform “OnePlanToPjo” action on that project. Action is further explained in the section below.
Open in OnePlan
Open the associated OnePlan plan.
1. Project Online and OnePlan (Resource Engagements to Task Assignments)
Create/update Plan in OnePlan
Create/update project in Project Online
Create/update Resource engagements in Project Online based on Task Assignments in OnePlan
Synchronize any lookup fields values into any choice fields in OnePlan
Create/update resources in OnePlan based on Project Online resource pool
2. Project Online and OnePlan (Resource Engagements to Resource Plans, Tasks to Tasks)
Create/update Plan in OnePlan
Create/update project in Project Online
Create/update tasks in Project Online
Create/update Resource engagements in Project Online based on Resource plans in OnePlan
Synchronize any lookup fields values into any choice fields in OnePlan
Create/update resources in OnePlan based on Project Online resource pool
1. Project Online and OnePlan (Resource Engagements to Task Assignments)
Projects (Project Online) <--> Plans (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
Name |
Name |
Owner |
Owner |
Enterpriseresourceengagements (Project Online) <--> Tasks (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
Start Date |
StartDate |
Finish Date |
EndDate |
Work Hours |
Effort |
AssignedTo |
Name |
Name |
Resources (Project Online) <--> Resources (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
isGeneric |
Generic |
Name |
DisplayName |
2. Project Online and OnePlan (Resource Plans to Resource Engagements)
Projects (Project Online) <--> Plans (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
Name |
Name |
Owner |
Owner |
Enterpriseresourceengagements (Project Online) <--> Resource Plans (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
Resource |
State |
State |
Date (timephased) |
Date |
Work Hours |
* (see note below) |
* In order for the Resource Engagement to work, you will need to add an extra mapping that indicate the Resource Plan Cost Type/Type to the ‘Work Hours’. This field mapping indicates which Resource Plan Type to bring into Project Online.
Resources (Project Online) <--> Resources (OnePlan)
Project Online Fields |
OnePlan Fields |
isGeneric |
Generic |
Name |
DisplayName |