In order to clear the cache in Microsoft Project Professional we will start with the product opened with a blank project schedule as shown below.
Important, DO NOT have any project schedules opened at this time in Microsoft Project.
Continue with the following steps:
Click the File tab then select Options in the Quick Launch.
Once in the Project Options dialog, select the Save(1) page, then click the Clean Up Cache (2) button.
In the Clean Up Cache dialog perform the following:
Select all the projects in the Remove projects from cache section. Use Shift-click to simplify selection.
Click the Remove From Cache button.
Note: The screenshot on the left is before we cleared projects from the cache. The screenshot shows the cleared cache.
While still in the Clean Up Cache dialog, change the Project Filter to Projects checked out to you via the drop down list box.
If there are any projects showing up in the cache now, perform the same procedure and clear them from the cache (Important, ensure you do not currently have any projects opened!)
Select all the projects in the Remove projects from cache(1)section. Use Shift-click to simplify selection.
Click the Remove From Cache(2) button.
Click the Close button when finished.